
About Me:


Year Degree Institute
Medical Graduate Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College and Hospital
M.D Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research , Kolkata.
  • Dr. Suparna Gangapadhyay is a Rehabilitation Medicine Consultant currently heading the Department of Neurorehabilitation at the Institute of Neurosciences, Kolkata.
  • A Medical Graduate from Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College and Hospital, Dr. Gangapadhyay started his career as a Gynecologist and Obstetrician in Kolkata.
  • However he observed the dearth of Medical Representation in the field of Rehabilitation Medicine and soon steered himself to pursue an M.D in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation(PMR) from Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research , Kolkata.
  • After a brief stint as a clinical observer at St John’s Medical College Bangalore, he joined the Prestigious Christian Medical College Vellore as a teaching Faculty in the Department of PMR.
  • Working with the best in the field, Dr. Gangapadhyay extensively explored every aspect of Rehabilitation including Neurorehabilitation, Amputee and Pain Management, Electrophysiology, soft tissue surgery, Gait analysis and community rehabilitation.
  • His Thesis on Total Contact Cast in Diabetic foot was extremely well acclaimed. With this repertoire Dr. Gangapadhyay soon moved to Australia as a Rehabilitation fellow in Spinal Cord Injury, Orthopedics and Multi trauma at Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, SA followed by advanced training at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, and Barwon Health, Geelong, Victoria.
  • During this time he worked as a Consultant and imparted medical education to undergraduates and Residents. He participated and presented his work in numerous conferences and workshops across the globe.
  • A visionary, Dr. Gangapadhyay soon returned to his roots in Kolkata and joined Institute of Neurosciences Kolkata.
  • Within a few years the Department of Neurorehabilitation under his dynamic leadership expanded to a formidable team of 60 members providing state of the art Neurorehabilitation facilities with indoor and outdoor patient services and two set ups in the heart of Kolkata.
  • Spinal cord injury and stroke rehabilitation are his special areas of interest. With an enviable background in athletics, Sports Medicine is currently his area of exploration.
  • With multiple publications to his name, he is currently a part of a PhD project that deals with the intrigue of neurogeneration post Spinal cord injury.
  • His future plans involve research in the fields of low cost Robotics and EMG biofeedback, An optimist, Dr. Gangapadhyay believes in the potential of Rehabilitation Medicine and dreams of a healthy and fit inclusive society.